Friday, July 30, 2010


Over the past month of so I have had various friends ask for my advice on relationships. While I am no guru on relationships and trust me I do not claim to be! I do not mind putting my two cents in, as some of you may know I like to talk or ramble as you can tell for my writing style. But on to the point I am trying to make. Many of these friends ask me how do you know a relationship is working or heading in the right direction.

Well of course there is no guarantee that a relationship is heading in the right direction. There are in my mind 4 questions that will give you an idea if there is good base to build a relationship where you can feel a connection with your significant other.
1. Do I respect and admire this person?
2. Do I trust this person?
3. Do I feel safe with this person?
4. Do I feel at calm and peace with this person?

Now you might think these are pretty general and won't give much of an answer but if you can answer these with a yes then the relationship is worth exploring a little bit further because it is on the base of these questions that you can build. Not all things in a relationship are felt immediately so times think time to build and grow depending on the circumstances. Being honest and open with is the key, really share anything and everything. I am not sure I can stress that enough that you need to talk and share the hard stuff, the stupid stuff, and the silly stuff it is in those things that you can figure someone out.

You might ask where I get these pearls of wisdom? From my family of course! My mother and I had lengthy discussions on relationships in general and her relationship with my dad. Also since my father is now single he and I will chat on the subject about what makes a relationship and how to grow one. Of course I do not always listen and insist on just doing as I please but the older I get the more I know there was a truth to what they were/are telling me and its time I shut up and admit that I do not know best! Which is hard for me, I can admit that I am wrong but it comes with a lot of teeth gritting. However, my inability to want to listen to others is a whole other blog post and topic one that I am not sure I will ever get to!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cakes Cakes Cakes

With the craze of all of these reality baking shows, I have decided to share with you a website that makes me chuckle! I mean I am starting to lose track with Cake Boss and now Georgetown Cupcakes and lets not forget Ace of Cakes. But these shows honor the great things that these establishments are creating. This blog does honor some masterpieces but it really pays homage to well the more disastrous of creations, which is genius! I mean who doesn't stare at home grocery store disasters sometimes and wonder what went through that makers mind! Well this website puts all those moments together in a masterful blog! Enjoy friends!

The blog is called cake wrecks and you can find them here:
If your day needs some brightening I suggest you check this blog out I think it will help your day to know that somewhere some moron is buying these things!

Till next Time!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Men Don't Know About Women

Women do not love weddings. We think wedding invitations are bills written in calligraphy.

We have to "adjust" our private parts, too. Sometimes our nipples get out of orbit and we look like a Picasso painting.

Women don't take forever to pee. It's other chicks who make us wait. We have absolutely no idea what we're doing in there, and we look at one another in the bathroom line like, What the hell? Then, to keep ourselves occupied, we play with one another's boobs.

Don't try to figure us out. We don't even understand ourselves. Just think of us as a complex carbohydrate that's good for you.

There are two spots on women that need to be touched more: the back of the neck and the lower back. Fireworks.

Go for the girl who can eat a proper meal. If she's passionate about food, you'll most likely be fortunate in other venues.

Don't paint a nasty picture of your exes. We'll justifiably wonder what made you stay in those heinous situations in the first place.

On the other hand, don't paint too glowing of a picture or we'll wonder how you ever could have messed it up. It's a fine line. We'll try to make it worth your while.

Sometimes we think we really understand men. Then we regain consciousness.

Women are innately self-conscious. This is not a choice; it's a genderwide condition. On a bad day, I look in the mirror and see my ten-pound-heavier alter ego. Her name is Bertha. On a really bad day, Bertha sees her two-hundred-pound-heavier alter ego. Her name is Brian Dennehy.

You may be surprised to know that women were responsible for inventing all of the following: the circular saw, the signal flare, the space suit, the bulletproof vest, and the windshield wiper. You're welcome.

If you tell us that playing Halo 2 improves the dexterity of your fingers, you'd better be able to prove it.

Sometimes, we want a back rub to be just a back rub.

If you ask me out directly, I will say yes

Back at it

Wow It has been well over a year since I have posted. What interesting things have happened in that year you may ask. Well far too much for me to get into here, but the main reason I took a break from blogging was getting let go from my job and just taking some time to figure myself and what I want out of life.

Wow you may say that is some deep shit but when you have 6 months of job searching and not doing much with yourself it leaves copious amounts of time for self evaluation. I like to think that I am a stronger and better person because of it. I learned many lessons during the sabbatical. This whole year has taught me a lot about myself and everything in general.

And yes folks I did get a new job this past October so I have been busy working and enjoy myself at this new company that seems to want to build me up rather than tear me down!

I am still going to continue to blog about fun fascinating things and sports maybe throw a lot love and heartache in there but I am not one for pissing and moaning about something for to long!

So folks the blonde is back and I am here to ramble!