Monday, August 9, 2010


Happy Monday everyone! I hope y’all had a good weekend! Onto my topic for today, chivalry this seems to be dead among most men today. Now I am not saying that all guys do not know how to treat and respect those around them. Because in my mind at the end of the day Chivalry is more than how you treat the women in your life but how you treat everyone around you. Now you must be wondering what has led me to this topic of discussion but I witnessed something that made me very sad on the metro this morning. I generally sit in on of the front seats a force of habit from where I used to get off for my previous job. This choice leaves me open to having to get up and surrender my seat to someone who may need it more than I. This is no big deal but I am sitting there looking through my metro paper, when the usual blind lady gets on the metro, she and I often end up sitting next to each other, and we used to get off at the same stop. Now mind you I am surrounded by perfectly capable men that are able to give up their seat. But no all of them suddenly have pressing things to do on their blackberries. This just makes me want to take their blackberries and shove them where the sun doesn’t shine. As I am getting up the gentlemen next to me gets up, no this man walks with a limp and often has a cane with him. I tell him no no I will get up and he politely looks at me and tells me to sit down because he knows I get off the train after him. Now that warmed my heart but dear gentlemen across the aisle from me that had nothing wrong with him get up off you arse next time and offer this woman and her service dog a seat.

I mean honestly folks what is wrong with men today! I just do not understand and I know not all men would do this as I have seen some jump up when they see someone who needs a seat more. However, this happens very rarely. I have once ridden all the way standing up with a visibly pregnant woman standing next to me the whole way. I mean gentlemen I know we fought for equality but that is not an excuse to start treating us badly. We are not asking for a lot guys, I am perfectly able to stand the whole way there or whole way home so it is not necessary to give me a seat, but please give the pregnant woman next to me a seat! I mean gentlemen think of it as your wife, would you want her to be standing?? Or your daughter, a best friend, your mother, would you want someone to give up their seat for someone like that. I guess people do not see that way it is just another stranger on the train. I know I might be nit-picking but there is just something so sad to me about that. Maybe I am making too much of this but it is just something I had to get off my chest for today. Thanks for putting up with my mini-rant!

Also feel free to let me know if you think I am wrong, I am always open to criticism. I am an easy going person it’s hard to me make mad with an opinion.

Till Next Time!


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