Wednesday, August 11, 2010

One Day at a Time

Training has begun! Again this year I am participating in the PanCan 5k Fun Run/Walk. I stumbled upon this run last year after I saw in it in one of the PanCan newsletters I get. What is PanCan you may be asking. Well PanCan is the Pancreatic Cancer non-profit that I regularly support, I support this organization not only for my mom who lost her battle with the disease but for many other people who have beat this type of cancer. I also have had work experience that introduced me to many of the non-profit groups that exist for almost every cancer and condition out there. Now I am sorry I am off topic again, though that is probably not shocking is it!

All of my friends know that I am not a runner. In fact I look like a penguin with a stick shoved up its bum when I run. This is something that my own father can confirm, because trust me I heard about how bad of a runner I was during my softball years. I blame it on my bum, it holds me back! My bum such a blessing and a curse, but hey if you got it flaunt it right? I have started trying to build up to that 3.11 miles that makes up a 5k. Now many people have told me I could probably just run it without any training. But little do these people know that thinking about running over a mile strikes fear into my heart, and I start to get my nervous sweat on. I do not even look like a runner, I am not lean and mean like most runners are, I am built from my swimming years. I am most comfortable in water anyways that and my incredible ability to float….my bum is my flotation device :) My sister was the runner, and now my nephew is too. Actually I am pretty sure that my nephew could beat me in running a mile which is sooo sad because he is 10. But alas I am giving myself 3 months to get myself into fighting shape for this which hopefully will result in shedding the remaining 15 pounds that I have been trying to get off for the past 6 months.

I have begun equipping myself with the right materials as well. I just got awesome new running shoes that are super comfy and do not make me feel like I have just run 26 miles when it has only been 2. I am slowly replacing all of my gross workout gear with new sleeker workout clothes. I have recently discovered the joy of compression shorts. Not only do they make my bum look fabulous but they are super comfortable and do not make me feel like a stuffed sausage! Though note to self working out in hot pink compression shorts at the office gym and having a coworker(who is a director) come down to get something out of the locker room will result in me turning the color of my shorts and will result in the coworker trying to avoid all eye contact with me. Yes folks it was that mortifying and hilarious all at the same time. I wasn’t sure after he left to laugh or continue with my dumbfounded look. Now many of you may be saying that I am bound to be seen by someone since it is the office gym. Well not really there are only two other coworkers who I know use the gym and I have worked out with both of these ladies before and I do not care what I wear in front of them. Again I am off topic!

But you would think with all my new stuff and it’s obvious that I work out that I would not need three months to train. Well folks I do and you want to know why I do need three months? It’s because I am LAZY. Yep lazy in every sense of the word, I do not like to work out, I hate the gym! However, I do have a very distinct love affair with food, so I must workout to balance out the fact that I eat so much. If I did not workout I would be huge as I am not one of those girls that can eat whatever she wants and not gain a pound. I am the exact opposite; as soon as I put food into my mouth my bum expands! So after this training I will be happy to see my abs again and hopefully I will not hibernate over the winter and put all this hard work to waste! Feel free to share type of training tips!!!

For a laugh today read this link!

Till next Time!


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