Monday, August 2, 2010


Happy Monday everyone! As happy as a monday can possibly be or in my case sleepy. So I have a plethora of things running around in my head today which will probably lead to multiple postings today so tighten your belt buckle cause we are going to go for a ride. So the first topic I have I have decided to start with is friends.

What the!? is the statement that is probably coming to your mind right now and trust me I often get that feeling when things just pop into my mind. Friends we all have them, some are better than others but I like to think with my friends I have got some great ones! I know cocky statement right?? The reason I say this is because I don't have throngs of friends, I believe in quality over quantity! And to steal from one of my favorite authors Lisa Scottoline; a best friend is just another name for accessory after the fact!

Over the past two years my friends have surprised me in how well they know me. My friends, those sneaky bastards seem to be able to read me like a book! I love that because I can say things without saying them or just turn my head to one side and someone can instantly know where I am going with that. It can be rather disturbing for someone to watch this because it is like our own secret language. My friends will often tell you if you really want to know what I am thinking just look at my face and you will get your answer. I often respond to this statement with lots of cringing or hiding behind my hands. This general results in someone pulling my hands away or laughing and pointing. It's amazing I don't have a complex! Not to digress but you are probably wondering where I am going with all of this aren't you! Well I am getting to my point I promise, it just takes me a minute!

An ways onwards and upwards. I think the key thing to a friendship is knowing all about someone and at the end of the day still loving that person for everything that they are! I and love that about my friends they know me from my head to my toes, put up with my insane amount of bullshit, and still love me.

Friendship is about knowing when to give a hug before the before they ask for it, knowing when to come over after a bad day before they ask you to bring the wine and commiserate. You may be thinking well that isn't a friend that is a best friend. Well I like to think of all of my friends as my best friends. With my friends there isn't one thing that makes one better than the other. Granted each person is a little different in what they bring to the friendship but they are all best in their own way!

What is a common thread among all of them is that they know I wear my heart on my sleeve, I do not know how to love parts of people, I love them completely and with most of my friends I loved them instantly. But each person in my life knows this about me and can be fiercely protective and understanding. That is what I love the most having people I can count on at the end of the day. My friends are my family outside of the little nucleus that is my actual family, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Who said water wasn't thicker than blood because I am pretty sure in my case it is just as strong.

Till next time!

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